Course CodeCourse Name12345678910
AIT 1101Atatürk’s Principles and History of Revolution I0000000030
AİT 1102.Atatürk’s Principles and History of Revolution II0000000030
FEB 1000Practice5000000000
FEB 1102Principles of Midwifery II5444535554
FEB 1103Histology-Embryology0000300000
FEB 1104Principles of Midwifery Practice II5204333245
FEB 1106Medical Terminology0300300000
FEB 1108Genetic0000300000
FEB 1109 Introduction to University Life0000053055
FEB 1113Principles of Midwifery I3400003000
FEB 1201Introduction to Midwifery 3004400030
FEB 1203Use of Basic Information Technology0000000000
FEB 1205Occupational Health and Safety4004000030
FEB 2000Internship I5500000000
FEB 2102Infectious Diseases4400000000
FEB 2103Pharmacology0000300000
FEB 2107Normal Pregnancy5500000000
FEB 2108Risky Pregnancy Practice5500005000
FEB 2109Normal Pregnancy Practice5500000000
FEB 2111Disease Information5005435534
FEB 2113Disease Information Practice5205303523
FEB 2114Nutrition3500000000
FEB 2115Psychology3000300000
FEB 2116First Aid and Emergency Care3000000000
FEB 2117Interpersonal Relationships4323334121
FEB 2118Risky Pregnancy5500000000
FEB 2120Family Planning5004000000
FEB 2202Midwifery Process5500505000
FEB 2205Personal Evolution5000055050
FEB 2206Social responsibility projects0003005030
FEB 2208Midwifery in Primary Health Care Services4300000000
FEB 2210Preconceptional Counseling5300505000
FEB 3001Internship II5550000000
FEB 3101Epidemiology and Research Methods4005400540
FEB 3102Applied Epidemiology4000404554
FEB 3103Normal Birth and Postnatal3450000000
FEB 3104Midwifery Deontology0005004300
FEB 3110Risky Birth and Postnatal5523413212
FEB 3111Newborn and Child Health5443201000
FEB 3112Risky Birth and Postnatal Practice5554424000
FEB 3113Newborn and Child Health Practice4453400000
FEB 3114Health Sociology3000000000
FEB 3115Normal Birth and Postnatal Practice5450000000
FEB 3116Teaching in Midwifery5000004000
FEB 3203Transcultural Midwifery3443500000
FEB 3204Evidence Based Care0000500000
FEB 3206Practical Statistics0000000500
FEB 3207New Approaches to Infertility3000000000
FEB 3208Urogynechology5000500000
FEB 3210Professional English II0000050000
FEB 3211Professional English I0000050000
FEB 3212Birth Preparation0040000000
FEB 3213Critical Thinking0000000050
FEB 3214Complementary Therapies and Supportive Care in Childbirth Management5540004040
FEB 4103Community Health Midwifery5504000000
FEB 4105Mother and Child Health Services5505500000
FEB 4106Birth Information Practice 5550000000
FEB 4108Community Health Midwifery Practice5003000000
FEB 4109Management in Midwifery3005005030
FEB 4111Women's Health and Diseases5005305000
FEB 4115Mental Health5000000000
FEB 4117Mother and Child Health Services Practice5500500000
FEB 4121Women's Health and Disease Practice5000305050
FEB 4201Professional Development and Organization4504454444
FEB 4203Genetic Counseling3000000000
FEB 4204Neonatal Resuscitation0040000000
FEB 4206Embryonic-Fetal Growth and Development0000300000
FEB 4207Women Health and Social Topies0000000030
FEB 4208Professional English IV0000050000
FEB 4209Professional English III0000050000
FEB 4211Breastfeeding Counseling5500505000
FSD 2002Academic Turkish0000050000
FSD 2008Drug Addiction0000000000
FSD 2010Learning and Development0000000030
FSD 2012Assertiveness Training0000000000
FSD 2016Career Management0000000000
FSD 2018Conflict Resolution and Mediation 0000000000
FSD 2024Health Communication0000000000
FSD 2026Recognizing and Combating Violence0000000000
FSD 2028Child Rights and Protection Services0000000000
FSD 2030Reproductive Health5000000030
FSD 2032Media Literacy0000000000
FSD 2034Innovation in Health0000000000
FSD 2036Health Policies0005000000
FSD 2038Human Rights0000000000
FSD 2040Creative Drama0000000000
FSD 2042Community Health and Health Systems0000000000
FSD 2044Active and Healthy Aging0000000000
FSD 2046Speaking and Presentation Skills0000000000
FSD 2048Social Gender Equality0000000000
FSD 2050Sign Language0000000000
FSD 2052Social Responsibility Projects0000000000
FSD 2054Complementary Treatment and Care Applicatiens0000000000
FSD 2072Occupational Health and Safety4004000000
SBF 1101Anatomy 0000500000
SBF 1102Pathology 0000300000
SBF 1103Physiology 0000300000
SBD 1104Microbiology0000300000
SBF 1105Biochemistry0000300000
SBF 1106Parasitology0000300000
SBF 1203Diction and Written Expression 0000040000
SBF 1205Basketball 0000000030
SBF 1207Volleyball 0000000030
SBF 1208Diction and Written Expression0000050300
SBF 1209Swimming 0000000030
SBF 1210Basketball 0000000030
SBF 1211Tennis 0000000030
SBF 1212Volleyball 0000000030
SBF 1213Table Tennis 0000000030
SBF 1214Swimming 0000000030
SBF 1215Step - Aerobics 0000000030
SBF 1216Tennis 0000000030
SBF 1217Plates 0000000030
SBF 1218Table Tennis 0000000030
SBF 1220Step - Aerobics0000000030
SBF 1222Plates0000000030
SBF 1225Fine Art-Folk Dance0000000030
SBF 1227Fine Art-Music0000000030
SBF 1229Art0000000030
SBF 1230Fine Art-Folk Dance0000000030
SBF 1232Fine Art-Music0000000030
SBF 1233Technology Addiction0000000003
SBF 1234Art0000000030
SBF 1236Academic Turkish0000050000
SBF 1238Technology Addiction0000000003
SBF 2201Sign Language0000000030
SBF 3101Biostatistics3000200505
TDL 1111Turkish Language I0000050030
TDL 1112Turkish Language II0000353432
YDI 1121Foreign Language I0000050000
YDI 1122Foreign Language II0000050000