1. Semester
SEC 1203Elective Courses 1---6
AIT 1101Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution I2002
TDL 1111Turkish Language I2002
YDI 1121Foreign Language I2002
GIS 1103Mathematics I2002
GIS 1121Knowledge of Instruments2002
CBS 1125English for GIS2002
CBU 1111Career Planning1002
CBS 1135Computer Aided Mapping I4004
CBS 1131Surveying I3003
CBS 1133Basic of Geographic Information Systems2003
2. Semester
SEC 1206Elective Courses 2---6
AIT 1102Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution II2002
TDL 1112Turkish Language II2002
YDI 1122Foreign Language II2002
GIS 1124Fotogrametr3003
CBS 1140Computer Aided Mapping II4004
CBS 1132Urban Information Systems2003
CBS 1134Surveying II3003
CBS 1138Internship0005
3. Semester
SEC 2401Non-Field Elective Courses---3
SEC 2205Elective Courses 3---6
GIS 2105Remote Sensing 3004
GIS 2119Land Management3004
CBS 2137Modern Survey Methods and Applications3004
CBS 2141Computer Aided Mapping III0033
CBS 2143Computer Aided Mapping III2003
4. Semester
SEC 2206Elective Courses 4---9
CBS 2136Web-Based GIS2003
CBS 2126Advanced CAD Application0044
CBS 2128Remote Sensing Applications0044
CBS 2130Computer Aıded Visual Design0044
CBS 2132GIS Project and Applications3003
CBS 2134Surveying Applications3003
Elective Courses 1
CBS 1201Cadastral Information and Legislation2003
CBS 1203Basic of Geography2003
CBS 1205Türkiye and Disaster2003
CBS 1207Real Estate Law2003
Elective Courses 2
DMY 1206Music2003
CBS 1216Basic of Cartography2003
CBS 1218Occupational health and Safety2003
CBS 1208GIS For Real Estate Value2003
CBS 1210Image Processing2003
CBS 1212Physical Education2003
Non-Field Elective Courses
CBS 2401Real Estate Development Strategies2003
CBS 2403Urban transformation2003
CBS 2405Arcihecture and City Planningn2003
CBS 2407Spatial 3D Modelling2003
CBS 2409Occupational Trigonometry2003
CBS 2411Expropriation2003
CBS 2413Exchange Indicators and Investment Decisions2003
CBS 2415Entrepreneurship2003
CBS 2215Entrepreneurship2003
CBS 2217Exchange Indicators and Investment Decisions2003
CBS 2219Basic of Law2003
CBS 2221Smart Cities2003
CBS 2225Effective Presentation Techniques2003
CBS 2227Managerial Skills2003
CBS 2229Protection of Personal Data2003
CBS 2231Legal Process in Sexual Offenses2003
Elective Courses 3
CBS 2233Basic of Databes2003
CBS 2235Basic Statistics for Geographical Information Systems2003
CBS 2205Urban transformation2003
CBS 2207Spatial 3D Modelling2003
CBS 2209Occupational Trigonometry2003
CBS 2211Expropriation2003
CBS 2213Arcihecture and City Planningn2003
CBS 2237Mobile GIS Applications2003
Elective Courses 4
CBS 2202Database Applications2003
CBS 2204Information of Map2003
CBS 2206Highway Infırmation and Applications2003
CBS 2208Geomorphological Analysis2003
CBS 2210Zoning Knowledge2003
CBS 2212Application2003
CBS 2214Building Surveying2003
CBS 2216Geology2003