1. Semester
SEÇ 1201Elective Group---1
BIO 1103General Biology I Laboratory (Botany)0022
BIO 1105Laboratory Techniques and Applications2003
BIO 1113Basic Information Technology Applications0022
BIO 1109Biostatistics2003
KIM 1317General Chemistry I (Inorganic)2003
KIM 1319General Chemistry Lab. I (Inorganic)0022
AIT 1101Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution I2002
TDL 1111Turkish Language I2002
YDI 1121Foreign Language I2002
BIO 1115Principles of Systematics2003
BIO 1117General Biology I (Botany)33005
BIO 1119Kariyer Planlama ve Meslek Etiği1002
2. Semester
SEÇ 1202Elective Group---1
BIO 1104General Biology II Laboratory (Zoology)0022
KIM 1318General Chemistry II (Organic)2003
KIM 1320General Chemistry Lab. II (Organic)0022
BIO 1106Hydrobiology I2003
YDI 1122Foreign Language II2002
TDL 1112Turkish Language II2002
AIT 1102Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution II2002
BIO 1112Social Responsibility Project0022
BIO 1114General Biology II (Zoology)3005
MAT 1120General Mathematics2002
FIZ 1116Fundamental Physics2002
FIZ 1118Fundamental Physics Laboratory0022
3. Semester
ADS 2201Non-Area Elective Course---3
MSD 2201Occupational Elective Course---3
BIO 2119Systematics of Cryptogams2003
BIO 2103Cytology Laboratory0022
BIO 2117Plant Anatomy and Morphology Laboratory0022
BIO 2111Invertebrate Animals Laboratory0022
BIO 2107General Microbiology I Laboratory0022
BIO 2121Systematics of Cryptogams Laboratory0022
BIO 2125Invertebrate Animals2003
BIO 2127Biochemistry I2002
BIO 2123Plant Anatomy and Morphology2002
BIO 2129Cytology2002
BIO 2131General Microbiology I2002
4. Semester
MSD 2202Occupational Elective Course---6
ADS 2202Non-Area Elective Course---3
BIO 2104Histology Laboratory0022
BIO 2112Vertebrate Animals Laboratory0022
BIO 2106General Microbiology II2003
BIO 2108General Microbiology II Laboratory0022
BIO 2122Systematics of Flowering Plants Laboratory0022
BIO 2124Vertebrate Animals2002
BIO 2126Biochemistry II2002
BIO 2128Systematics of Flowering Plants2002
BIO 2130Histology2002
BIO 2132Molecular Biology2002
5. Semester
MSD 3201Occupational Elective Course---9
ADS 3201Non-Area Elective Course---3
BIO 3103Genetics I Laboratory0022
BIO 3107Physiology I (Plant Physiology) Laboratory0022
BIO 3111Hydrobiology II Laboratory0022
CBU 4403Occupational Health and Safety I2002
BIO 3113Genetics I2002
BIO 3115Physiology I (Plant Physiology )2003
BIO 3117Hydrobiology II2002
BIO 3119 Research and Thesis Writing Methods in Biology2003
6. Semester
MSD 3202Mesleki Seçmeli Ders---12
ADS 3202Non-Area Elective Course---3
BIO 3104Genetics II (Molecular Genetics) Laboratory0022
BIO 3108Physiology II (Animal Physiology) Laboratory0022
CBU 4404Occupational Health and Safety II2002
BIO 3112Genetics II (Molecular Genetics)2002
BIO 3116Ecology2002
BIO 3114Physiology II (Animal Physiology )2002
BIO 3115Graduation Project I2003
7. Semester
MSD 4201Occupational Elective Course---18
BIO 4113Evolution2002
BIO 4107Environmental Impact Assessment2002
BIO 4109Introduction to Biotechnology2002
BIO 4111Developmental Biology2003
BIO 4117Research Project II2003
8. Semester
Elective Group
GSH 1131Folkdance I1001
GSR 1131Pictureart I1001
GSM 1131Music I1001
BED 1131Physical Education I1001
Elective Group
GSM 1132Music II1001
BED 1132Physical Education II1001
GSR 1132Pictureart II1001
GSH 1132Folkdance II1001
Non-Area Elective Course
BIO 2231Enviromental Law2003
BIO 2233Paleontology2003
BIO 2229Occupational English I2003
TDE 2245Diction I (S)2003
TDE 2223Literature of Drama of Turk I (S)2003
TDE 2221Turkish Composition I (S)2003
AEB 2163Lifeguard Training and First Aid1023
AEB 2133Biochemistry and Exercise Biochemistry3003
Occupational Elective Course
BIO 2201Principles of Systematic Zoology 2003
BIO 2203Data Analysis in Biological Sciences2003
BIO 2205Experimental Animals2003
BIO 2207Laboratory Techniques and Applications2003
BIO 2209Zoological Museum Methods2003
BIO 2211Food Safety2003
BIO 2213Aquatic Invertebrates2003
BIO 2215Biomolecules 2003
BIO 2223Plant Geography2003
BIO 2225Plant Morphology2003
BIO 2227Water Pollution2003
BIO 2217Embryology and Development2003
BIO 2221Flora of Turkey2003
BIO 2219Plant Cytology2003
BIO 2232Environmental Biology2003
Occupational Elective Course
BIO 2202Biology of Reproduction in Animals2003
BIO 2204Arthropoda2003
BIO 2206Land Applications in Zoology2003
BIO 2208Methods of Molecular Labeling and Imaging2003
BIO 2210Biochemistry Laboratory 0022
BIO 2212Field Studies (Land Applications) in Plant Science2003
BIO 2216Plant Cultivation Techniques2003
BIO 2218Plant Ecology2003
BIO 2220Ornithology2003
BIO 2224Effects of Pollution On Living Systems2003
BIO 2222Introduction to Medicinal Plants2003
BIO 2214Laboratory Techniques2003
BIO 2228Basic Computer Sciences2003
BIO 2232Environmental Biology2003
Non-Area Elective Course
BIO 2226Forensic Biology2003
BIO 2230Occupational English II2003
TAR 2220Turkish Woman on the Republican Period2003
TAR 2222Egyptian Mythology2003
TDE 2222Turkish Composition II (S)2003
TDE 2224Literature of Drama of Turk II (S)2003
TDE 2246Diction II (S)2003
GMD 2114Food Biochemistry2003
Occupational Elective Course
BIO 3207Molecular Regulation of Gene Expression 2003
BIO 3209Bacteriology 2003
BIO 3211Soil Microbiology 2003
BIO 3213Environmental Microbiology 2003
BIO 3217Animal Embryology2003
BIO 3221Biodiversity2003
BIO 3227Phytoplankton2003
BIO 3229Limnology2003
BIO 3231Limnologyi Lab.0023
BIO 3237Aquatic Toxicology2003
BIO 3249Plant Sociology2003
BIO 3251Paleobotany 2003
BIO 3253Conservation Biology2003
BIO 3255Geophyts of Turkey2003
BIO 3257Ethnobotany2003
BIO 3259Vegetation of Turkey2003
BIO 3261Ornitology2003
BIO 3263Parasitology2003
BIO 3265Medical Entomology2003
BIO 3269Virology2003
BIO 3271Economic Sea Organisms2003
BIO 3273Poisonous and Dangerous Animals2003
BIO 3275Basic Principles in Molecular Biology2003
BIO 3277Medical Genetics2003
BIO 3279Paleoecology2003
BIO 3267Human Anatomy and Physiology2003
BIO 3283Occupational Ethics2003
Non-Area Elective Course
BIO 3201A History and Philosophy of Biology 2003
KIM 3211Nutrition and Exercise Biochemistry2003
KIM 3213Enviromental Biotechnology2003
KIM 3201Bioorganic Chemistry2003
TAR 3205Turkish Historical Geography2003
TAR 3207History of the West Anatolia2003
TAR 3209History and Mythology2003
TDE 3263Turkic Mythology I (S)2003
TDE 3209Sagas of Turks I (S)2003
TDE 3249Woman and Language (S)2003
TDE 3201Folk Culture and Popular Culture I (S)2003
BIO 3281Techonology Management2003
Mesleki Seçmeli Ders
BIO 3212Mycology2003
BIO 3214Mycology Lab.0023
BIO 3218Mammalogy2003
BIO 3220Entomology2003
BIO 3224Special Histology2003
BIO 3228Marine Biology2003
BIO 3230Marine Biology Lab.0023
BIO 3232Water Quality2003
BIO 3234Zooplankton 2003
BIO 3238Cultures of Microalgae2003
BIO 3244Economic Plants2003
BIO 3246Economic Plants Lab.0023
BIO 3248Plant Embryology2003
BIO 3250Plant Embryology Lab.0023
BIO 3254Soil Plant Relations2003
BIO 3256Introduction of Comparative Plant Anatomy2003
BIO 3258Animal Geography2003
BIO 3260Biology of Behaviour2003
BIO 3262Herpetology2003
BIO 3264Antibiotics and Mechanisms of Action2003
BIO 3266Ichthyology2003
BIO 3268Toxic Algae2003
BIO 3270Marine Coastal Science2003
BIO 3272Dynamics of Cellular Metabolism2003
BIO 3274Plant Protection Areas2003
BIO 3276Stream Ecology2003
BIO 3278Fish Toxicology2003
BIO 3280Psychotropic Herbs2003
BIO 3282Farming of Marine Plants2003
BIO 3284Skin (Free) and Scuba Diving2003
BIO 3286Molecular Phylogeny2003
Non-Area Elective Course
BIO 3202Human Rights2003
KIM 3208Separation Methods2003
KIM 3214Contents of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants2003
TAR 3116Philisophy of History2003
TAR 3206History of Contemporary Thought2003
TAR 3208Archive and Research Technics2003
TDE 3202Folk Culture and Popular Culture II (S)2003
TDE 3264Turkic Mythology II (S)2003
TDE 3210Sagas of Turks II (S)2003
TAR 3202History of Turkish World in Modern Era2003
BIO 3288Innovation Management2003
Occupational Elective Course
BIO 4207Introduction to Genetic Engineering2003
BIO 4211Cultivation of Macrofungi2003
BIO 4213Industrial Microbiology2003
BIO 4223Soil Zoology2003
BIO 4225Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates2003
BIO 4227Cell Culture Methods2003
BIO 4231Benthology2003
BIO 4235Aquarium and Production Techniques2003
BIO 4237Aquatic High Plants 2003
BIO 4239Culture Fishing2003
BIO 4241Palynology2003
BIO 4243Plant Chemotaxonomy2003
BIO 4249Cytogenetics2003
BIO 4255Endocrinology2003
BIO 4257Museology2003
BIO 4259Biological Control2003
BIO 4261Medical Microbiology2003
BIO 4263Food Microbiology2003
BIO 4265Plant Growth Hormones2003
BIO 4267Plant Gene Resources and Bioproducts2003
BIO 4269Dye Plants 2003
BIO 4271Plant Breeding 2003
BIO 4273Fisheries Biology2003
BIO 4275Marine Biotechnology2003
BIO 4277Population Dynamics in the Aquatic Ecosystems2003
BIO 4279Functional Genomics2003
BIO 4281Ecotoxicology2003
BIO 4283Aquaculture Of Aquatic Invertebrates2003
BIO 4285Poisions Plants Of Turkey2003
BIO 4287Animal Ecology and Wildlife2003
BIO 4289Phytoecotourism2003
BIO 4291Nanotechnology and its applications in water environment2003
BIO 4293Aquatic Exotıc Organısm and Theır Impacts on Ecosystems2003
BIO 4295Introduction to Systems Biology2003
BIO 4297Molecular Mechanisms of Embryology2003
BIO 4299Molecular Biology of Aging2003