1. Semester
MLY 1001Elective Pool I---1
IKT 1161Introduction to Economics3004
KMY 1121Fundamental Concepts of Law3004
TDL 1111Turkish Language-I2002
ISL 1101General Mathematics3004
KMY 1111Sociology3004
ISL 1151Usage of Basic Information Technology3003
MLY 1101Career Planning1002
YDI 1111Foreign Language I - English3002
ISL 1113Introduction to Business Administration3004
2. Semester
ADS 1506Non-Area Elective Course Pool---3
MLY 1002---1
IKT 1162Microeconomics3004
ISL 1192Accounting I3004
IKT 1172Macroeconomics I3004
ISL 1182Mathematics For Economists3004
TDL 1112Turkish Language-II2002
AIT 1104Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution-I2002
YDI 1112Foreign Language II - English3002
ISL 1152Civil Law3004
3. Semester
IKT 2173Macroeconomics II3004
ISL 2103Statistics I3004
ISL 2163Business Management3004
ISL 2173Accounting II3004
KMY 2103The History of Political Thought3004
MLY 2105Introduction to Public Finance3004
MLY 2115Research Methods in Public Finance3004
AIT 2101Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution-II2002
4. Semester
ISL 2104Statistics II3004
ISL 2184Financial Statement Analysis3004
KMY 2164Constitutional Law3005
MLY 2104Public Finance Theory3005
IKT 2164History of Economic Thought3004
ISL 2194Social Psychology3004
ISL 2106Law of Obligations3004
5. Semester
MLY 3005Elective Course Pool III---12
IKT 3165Monetary Theory and Policy3004
MLY 3115Government Budget and Treasury Transactions3005
MLY 3105Tax Procedure Law3004
SSP 3000Social Responsibility Projects1021
MLY 3175Public Economics3004
6. Semester
MLY 3006Elective Course Pool IV---12
MLY 3106Turkish Tax System I 3005
MLY 3126Local Goverment Finance3004
MLY 3146Fiscal Policy I3004
MLY 3156Public Entrepreneurship3005
7. Semester
MLY 4007Elective Course Pool V---8
KMY 4167Public Administration3004
MLY 4107Turkish Tax System II3005
MLY 4127Public Debts3004
MLY 4137Fiscal Jurisdiction3004
MLY 4119Fiscal Policy II3005
8. Semester
MLY 4006Elective Course Pool VI---12
MLY 4004Elective Course Pool VII---18
Elective Pool I
BED 1131Physical Education 11001
GSM 1131Fine Arts I - Music1001
GSR 1131Painting 11001
GSH 1131Fine Arts I - Folk Dances1001
Non-Area Elective Course Pool
ADS 1240Turkish Political Life2003
ADS 1242Global Governance2003
ADS 1244Economics of Innovation and Competition2003
ADS 1246Business Policy2003
ADS 1248Philosophy2003
ADS 1206Effective Presentation Techniques2003
ADS 1250Community Service Practices2003
ADS 1210Web Design2003
ADS 1216History and Economy of Manisa2003
BED 1132Physical Education II1001
GSM 1132Fine Arts II - Music1001
GSR 1132Fine Arts II - Painting1001
GSH 1132Fine Arts II - Folk Dances1001
Elective Course Pool III
KMY 3285Criminal Law3004
ISL 3245Business Law3004
IKT 3265Econometric Methods3004
ISL 3285Human Resources Management (Turkish)3004
ISL 3295Human Resources Management (English)3004
KMY 3295Administrative Law3004
KMY 3277Urbanization and Envıronmental Polices (Turkish)3004
IKT 3275Development and Growth 3004
MLY 3217Banking and Financial Institutions3004
MLY 3227History of Public Finance3004
MLY 3267Tax Enforcement Law3004
Elective Course Pool IV
ISL 3266Marketing (Turkish)3004
ISL 3276Capital Market Analysis3004
ISL 3286Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law3004
ISL 3256Marketing (English)3004
ISL 3254Entrepreneurship3004
ISL 3208Trade Law3004
ISL 3210Cost Accounting3004
MLY 3202International Public Finance and Fiscal Institutions3004
IKT 3228Growth and Development3004
MLY 3216International Trade and Taxation3004
MLY 3228Tax Criminal Law3004
IKT 3258International Economics3004
Elective Course Pool V
MLY 4207Public Fiscal Auditing3004
KMY 4277Urbanization and Envıronmental Policies (English)3004
MLY 4239Current Fiscal Issues3004
IKT 4269Turkish Economy3004
ISL 4209Auditing3004
INV 4207Innovation Management3004
MLY 4247Tax Practices and Accounting3004
MLY 4257Global Public Finance3004
Elective Course Pool VI
MLY 4218Seminar Course in Public Finance3004
MLY 4228Happiness Economics and Public Policies3004
MLY 4238Economics of Art and Public Policies3004
MLY 4248Industrial Economics and Public Policies3004
MLY 4258Agricultural Economics and Public Policies3004
MLY 4208Tax Practices and Accounting3004
IKT 4290Analysis of Economic Indicators 3004
IKT 4298Health Economics3004
Elective Course Pool VII
MLY 4401Fiscal Solutions to Environmental Issues3006
MLY 4298Behavioral Public Finance3006
MLY 4286Digital Government3006
MLY 4296Digital Taxation3006