Course CodeCourse Name1
BIE 5101Basic Topics in Bioengineering2
BIE 5201Membrane Separation Technologies0
BIE 5202Membrane Synthesis and Characterizations0
BIE 5203Advanced Analtical Methods in Engineering0
BIE 5204Advanced Numerical Methods in Engineering0
BIE 5205Recombinant DNA Technologies0
BIE 5206Microbial Genetics0
BIE 5207Biomimetic Applications in Technology0
BIE 5208Animal Cell Culture Technologies0
BIE 5209Experimental Design and Optimization0
BIE 5210Biosensor Technologies0
BIE 5211Rapid Diagnostic Kit Technologies0
BIE 5212Electrochemistry0
BIE 5213Nanobiotechnology3
BIE 5214Instrumental Characterization Techniques0
BIE 5215Liquid Crystal-Polymer-Colloid Composites in Bioengineering5
BIE 5216R Programming Language3
BIE 5217Advanced Genome Editing Technologies0
BIE 5218Applications of Microalgal Bioproducts0
BIE 5219Advanced Bioinformatics0
BIE 5220Industrial Bioprocess Applications0
BIE 5221Advanced Bioreactor Applications3
BIE 5222Advanced Fermentation Techniques0
BIE 5223Red Biotechnology in Bioengineering3
BIE 5225Down-Stream Processing2
BIE 5226Trends in Bioprocessing3
BIE 5227Bioethanel Production Techniques5
BIE 5228Plant Biotechnology0
BIE 5229Microbial Enzyme Productions 4
BIE 5230Plant Tissue Culture0
BIE 5231Phytotherapeutic0
BIE 5232Natural Products Chemistry0
BIE 5233Biological Characterization Techniques5
BIE 5234Biodegradable Plastics5
BIE 5235Engineering Mathematics0
BIE 5236Surface Chemistry0
BIE 5237Advanced Molecular Modelling0
BIE 5238Molecular Dynamics Simulation0
BIE 5239Biostatistics0
BIE 5240Bacterial and Viral Vaccines0
BIE 5241Special Topics in Molecular Genetics0
BIE 5242Electrical and Optical Biomaterials5
BIE 5243Experimental Animal Models0
BIE 5244In Vitro Models for pre-clinic applications0
BIE 5806Seminar0
FEN 5000Thesis0
FEN 5501Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics0
TEZ 5000Thesis Study0
UZM 5000Guided Research0