Course CodeCourse Name1234567891011121314
ADS 2101Parent Scholl35023440054433
ADS 2103Decorative Object Design00000000000000
ADS 2105Emotional Intelligence 45545253554553
ADS 2107Fine Arts00000000000000
ADS 2109Leadershiph and Teamwork00000000000000
ADS 2111NLP and Personal Development00000000000000
ADS 2113Toy Desing 22222221222323
ADS 2115Report Writing Skills03000500000500
ADS 2117Technology Addiction55555455555545
AIT 1101Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution I10002000001222
AIT 1102Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution II10001120001103
CGİ 1101Learning and Teaching Technics55555555555555
CGİ 1102Child Development II45444432434444
CGİ 1103Child Development I30332332302022
CGİ 1104Special Education45453345555321
CGİ 1105Special Education55555454545443
CGİ 1110Planning and Program Development in Preschool Education54500005004234
CGİ 1111Inclusive Education55554445525231
CGİ 1117Children and Music33334445344444
CGİ 1118Child and Play00000000000000
CGİ 1120Career Planning00000000000000
CGİ 1202Math Teaching in Pre - School Period34040400455000
CGİ 1203Family Education55330443352403
CGİ 1207Introduction to Psycholog23322242213222
CGİ 1208Child Psychology And Mental Health35252352444543
CGİ 2101Communication With Children00003000050545
CGİ 2102Classroom Management55455550452332
CGİ 2103Child Literature and Media54554545555555
CGİ 2106Material Development in Education55555555555555
CGİ 2109Children Drama44050545003330
CGİ 2111Child Health and Nutrition22223332223432
CGİ 2113Arts and Creativity in Children55535055455554
CGİ 2114Industry Based Training55544445543321
CGİ 2116Child Sociology00000000000000
CGİ 2118Occupational Health and Safety00000000000000
CGİ 2119Methods of Identification and Assessment of Children50500500000000
CGİ 2121Child of Science and Technology00000000000000
CGİ 2205New Approachef in Pre-school Education44434444444443
CGİ 2206Material Development in Education00000000000000
CGİ 2207Sexuar Development and Education05500005000005
CGİ 2208Application in Preschool Educational Institutions00000000000000
CGİ 2211Coding and STEM Education in Preschool44555345444454
CGİ 2213Psychological Counseling and Guidance00000000000000
TDL 1111Turkish Language I33332323333000
TDL 1112Turkish Language II33323333233432
YDI 1121Foreign Language I00000500000000
YDI 1122Foreign Language II00000000000300