After the foundation of the Faculty of Medicine on 1 March 1994, Professor Ahmet Ozbilgin from the Department of Parasitology, faculty of Medicine, Celal Bayar University was temporarily appointed as the Acting Head of Department of Medical Microbiology. Undergraduate education started in 1995-1996 academic year. In 1996, Professor Ahmet Ozbilgin was appointed as the Head of the Department and he has been serving as the Head of Depatment for 4 years.
Qualification Awarded
Medical Microbiology Doctorate Degree
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)
Specific Admission Requirements
Candidates must have a bachelor's or master's degree in order to apply to the doctoral program. Candidates who apply with a master's degree must have a score of at least 55 ALES on the type of program they are applying for. Candidates who apply with the degree of bachelor's degree must have a score of at least 55 ALES points in the type of program applied and at least 3 points in the system of 100 or 100 or 4 in the system of the graduation grade average. Ph.D. students must have received a score equivalent to at least 55 points from the international foreign language exams accepted as equivalent to the central foreign language exams accepted by the Higher Education Council except their native language, or international foreign language exams which are equivalent to the ÖSYM. The Ph.D. program entrance examination achievement grade must be at least 65. The success grade is the sum of 50% of the relevant ALES score, 30% of the undergraduate achievement grade and 20% of the interview grade. Success scores of students who do not enter the interview are not calculated. Candidates whose achievement score is 65 or higher in doctoral programs are ranked according to their scores starting from the highest. Candidates in the quota receive a definitive registration for the programs they apply to. Detailed information can be obtained from the Graduate School of Health Sciences Institute of Manisa Celal Bayar University in the Education and Training Regulations.
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)
Students enrolled in the Department may request exemption from the courses they have achieved in equivalent programs of the higher education institutions they have studied. To do this, they must submit the approved transcript and course content to the relevant unit within one week after the registration week with a petition.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
The doctoral program consists of at least nine courses, a seminar course, a proficiency exam, a thesis proposal and a dissertation study, not less than twenty seven credits for a student with a thesis graduate degree and not less than 60 ECTS for an academic year It consists of 240 ECTS credits. It is composed of at least 300 ECTS credits including 14 courses, seminar, proficiency exam, thesis proposal and dissertation study for at least forty two credits for the students who are accepted by the undergraduate degree.
Profile of The Programme
Theoretical Practice
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
University Private sector
Access to Further Studies
Graduates who successfully completed the Master's Degree may apply to doctorate (third cycle) programmes in the same or in related disciplines.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Exams compose of midterms, final and make-up exams. Quizzes, projects, homeworks other than the exams can be carried out and other activities that the instructor deems appropriate. The number of these activities and the contribution to the course grades are stated in the course plan by the teaching staff. The exams can be written, oral, written, oral or practical. All exams are evaluated over 100 points and converted into a letter grade by the system. The success grade is calculated by taking the midterm and % ratios determined by the instructor of the other activities so that it will not fall below 50% of the contribution of the final exam. Letter grade limits are determined by the faculty member. To be successful in a lesson, the student must take at least the CB letter grade.
Graduation Requirements
he doctoral program consists of at least nine courses, a seminar course, a proficiency exam, a thesis proposal and a dissertation study, not less than twenty seven credits for a student with a thesis graduate degree and not less than 60 ECTS for an academic year It consists of 240 ECTS credits. It is composed of at least 300 ECTS credits including 14 courses, seminar, proficiency exam, thesis proposal and dissertation study for at least forty two credits for the students who are accepted by the undergraduate degree.
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )
Full time
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent
Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine, Medical Microbiology Prof. Dr. Semra KURUTEPE e-mail: semra.kurutepe@cbu.edu.tr Phone Number: 232 233 19 20 Uncubozköy / Manisa