History : Turgutlu Vocational School of Manisa Celal Bayar University was founded on March 30, 1994 to give two-year education. Department of Computer Technology and Programming started its evening education in association with Turgutlu Industrial Vocational School and within the scope of METEB project in 2002-2003 academic year.With a decision by YÖK, the name of the department was changed as Computer Programming in 2009- 2010 academic year. In the 2012-213 academic year, "Computer Programming Distance Learning Program" has been opened for our students.
Qualification Awarded : Computer Programming Pre Bachelor Grade
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle) : Pre Bachelor
Specific Admission Requirements : Candidates must have a high school diploma and a certificate that the related division has been placed by taking sufficient points from the Higher Education Transition Examination (YGS/YGS-1) conducted by the Center for Measurement, Selection and Placement (OSYM).
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal) : Students enrolled in the program can be exempted from the courses they have achieved in the higher education institutions they have already studied. Also; An exemption examination is opened at the beginning of each academic year for the foreign language course and the proposals of the relevant committees and courses approved by Senate. Students who score 65 or more on the exemption exam are exempted from these courses.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations : In order to obtain pre bachelor diploma degree from the Department of Computer Programming, it is necessary to succesfully complete 120 credits that cover elective,mandatory courses, and also sector apllications according to European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). In addition to this condition, The average of the academic note must be at least 2.00 over 4.00.
Profile of The Programme : The Department of Computer Programming aims to educate “Computer Programmers” with analytical thinking skills who will work in the field of “IT” and individuals who can use their knowledge and skills easily in the companies they work for.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples : Our graduates can work for computer software, hardware, informatics and finance organizations, in business including large and middle-scaled computer units, for the project designing of information technology and infrastructure, configuration and mangement of municipalities, hospitals and similar state organizations, technical services, software and web designing companies. Graduates can work as technicians, technical support expert, system expert, sales expert,software expert and middle manager. Besides, they can set up sales, service, software and hardware companies in their own fields by their own means.
Access to Further Studies : Two-year graduates of this program, conducted by OSYM exam at the end of the vertical transition can continue to Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Education and Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies . In addition, all graduates from the Open Education Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and bachelor's degree completion opportunities to continue from third grade.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading : Evaluation criteria for each course is determined by the faculty member who is teaching the course and this evaluation criteria is available on the University Course Information Catalogue. The students are required to take at least one midterm and one final exam in the scope of each enrolled course. In addition to these, quizzes, homeworks, presentations, projects etc. are determined by the faculty member to be involved in the evaluation criteria. At the end of the year, the grades of the students are calculated by the combination of midterm and final exam grades, in-year activities and participation in class. When passing grade is determined, midterm exam is 40% and final exam is 60% effective. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. Success grade is converted to letter grade with relative evaluation system. The note that the student gets when calculating the success grade is converted to the letter grade in the relative system. The student must receive at least CC letter grades to be successful in a course. Students with a GANO score of at least 2.00 (DC) and (DD) are considered to be successful in grades. Students who do not have a failed course, but whose GANO is below 2.00, must first take the courses (DC) and (DD) to get their GANOs above 2.00 in order to graduate.
Graduation Requirements : Completing all necessary courses (120 ECTS) successfully during the permitted period on condition that at least 2.00/4.00 of Cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) and to have completed compulsory internship and training.
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning ) : Full-Time
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent : Lecturer Altay ERBULAK
Head of Computer Programming Department / Program Training Catalog Responsible and Coordinator
Manisa Celal Bayar University Turgutlu Vocational School.
45400 Turgutlu Manisa TURKEY

e-posta: altay.erbulak@cbu.edu.tr
Tel: +90 236 313 55 02 / 106
Facilities : Education in the department of Computer Programming is carried out by a staff of instructors with sector experience, in the computer laboratories equipped with the latest technology (3 laboratories with 100 computers except for the computer of the instructor), by the use of current programs and predominantly with project and homework practices. In addition, with the 16-week "sector practice training" course, our students are able to learn the theoretical knowledge they learn in their business life.