Bioengineering Department was opened under Engineering Faculty in 2012 and the program has started education 2013-2014 fall-term.
Qualification Awarded
Bachelor of Science Degree in Bioengineering.
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)
First Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
To have high school or equivalent school diploma and to get enough points from related field of Undergraduate Placement Exam (LYS) made by Center for Measurement, Selection and Placement (OSYM).
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)
Students enrolled the program can be exempted from the courses succesfully taken from prior collage/university instutitions. The exemption examination for Foreign Language class or any classes aprooved by University Senate is opened at the begining of the each academic year. Students scored 65 or higher from exemption examination are considered as exempted from these classes.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
In order to graduate from the program, it is necessary to achieve all courses available (240 ECTS credits), to obtain a GPA of at least 2.0 out of 4.00, and to accomplish all required internships/summer training during the program.
Profile of The Programme
The courses in Education Plan are: 30% of Mathematics and Basic Sciences; 60% Occupational and 10% of General Courses. In the content of Research Project, students do research on a topic and submit it in a thesis format; For seminar class, students make a oral presentation about their thesis. After the fourth semester, the students must attend to a 20-days industrial training period (summer practice). Also, all students take “Industrial Application Training (Intern Education)“ in a company related to the field during 8th semester.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Students graduated from Bioengineering program can work as researcher or manager in different departments of biology (molecular biology, microbiology or genetic), biotechnology companies (food and drug industries etc.) and agriculture. They play a very important role in transfering of knowledge acquired from hands-on laboratory experience to the industry. For instance, they can work as designer in production of new materials from biological systems in food and agriculture industries. Also, they can find a job in hospitals, drug companies and environment agencies, Turkish Standarts Institution, diagnostic of genetic disorders and gene therapy in institutions such as Hıfzısıhha. Our curriculum is implemented from other programs in well-known universities so that students can choose a proper concentration area depending on their interests. They can get a job in wide range of areas from tomography signal processing, diagnostics, implant production to crush helmet production.
Access to Further Studies
As long as Graduates holding a Bachelor's (first cycle) degree get sufficient score from “ALES (Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Entrance Exam) examination and having a proficient Foreign Language skills are eligible to apply to a Masters (second cycle) degree program at national level and/or international level both in the same and in related disciplines.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
The students take at least one midterm and one final exam in the scope of each enrolled course. In addition to these, quizzes, home works and projects that are determined by the faculty in the syllabus can also be involved in the evaluation criteria. The number of these activities and their contributions to the grade is described by faculty in the course syllabus. Grades are generally calculated considering 40% of midterm examination and 60% of the final examination. The students who fail the exams or want to get better grade may enter Make-Up Examination. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. Final course grades are converted to letter grades with relative assesment. To be successful from a course, a student must achieve at least “CC” from that course. The students with a GPA higher than 2.00 are considered as sucessfull from the courses graded “FF” or “FD”. The student who are sucessful from all courses with a GPA lower than 2.00 repeats that courses graded “DC” or “DD” to make their GPA higher than 2.00. For those who are eligible for graduation with at least 3 fails (except for summer practice or industrial application training), additional make up examinations are offered.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate from the program, it is necessary to achieve all courses available (240 ECTS credits), to obtain a GPA of at least 2.0 out of 4.00, and to accomplish all required internships/summer training during the program.
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent
Program Director: Assit. Prof. Dr. Erdal EROĞLU Tel: 0.236. 201 2455 ECTS/DS Coordinatory: Assit. Prof. Dr. Erdal EROĞLU Tel: 0.236. 201 2455 Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Engineering, Bioengineering Department, 45140- Yunusemre/Manisa Tel: 0.236. 201 2301 Fax: 0. 236 241 21 43 e-mail: biyomuhendislik@cbu.edu.tr
In our department there are currently 5 Associate Professor, 4 Assistant Professor, 1 instructor Dr. and 4 Research Assistants. Currently, there are 5 fully-equipped research laboratories supported by Scientific Research Projects (BAP) and allocated for Bioengineering Department in Manisa Celal Bayar University. Since Bioengineering is an interdiciplinary Program, colloborations with Faculty of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering, Material Science Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Food Engineering, Electric-Electronic Engineering, and Computer Engineering), Medical school, Science Faculty (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Statistics Department) and MCBU DEFAM (Research and Application Center in Experimental Science) can be made in terms of sharing research facilities.