Manisa Celal Bayar University Soma Vocational School Electrical and Energy Department was first opened as Electricity Program in 1994-1995 academic year and continued to train technicians as Electricity Program within METEB project in 2002-2003 academic year. Since January 2011, he is continuing his education as Electrical Program under the Department of Electricity and Energy. Starting from the 2016-2017 academic year, the Intorn Training Model (3 + 1) was passed in the electricity program.
Qualification Awarded
Electrical Associate Degree
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)
Pre Bachelor
Specific Admission Requirements
Admission to the vocational school is arranged within the framework of Turkish Higher Education Council law and decisions. Students are admitted to the Electricity Program in accordance with the Higher Education Entrance Examination . Students taking enough points from TYT are admitted to the Electricity Program.
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)
Students enrolled in the program can be exempted from the courses they have achieved in the higher education institutions they have already studied. Also; An exemption examination is opened at the beginning of each academic year for the foreign language course and the proposals of the related boards and the courses approved by the senate. Students who score 65 or more on the exemption exam are exempt from these courses.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
In order to graduate, the students in this program must have successfully completed the required and elective courses for 120 ECTS by getting 30 for one semester in the form specified in the departmental education program and complete the Sector Applications (INTRON). In addition to these conditions, the average grade of the overall academic grade must be at least 2.00 out of 4.00
Profile of The Programme
It is aimed to train technicians who are familiar with the systems and hardware that are used in the electricity industry, analog-digital electronics, microcomputer and automation components, know their properties, apply their knowledge to industrial systems and hardware, perform maintenance and repairs and use programmable devices
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Students graduated from electrical program; They can be employed in the energy sector, electromechanical industry and electronics industry and they can work in electricity and electronics units in public institutions. They can work in electrical energy generation plants, village electrification, energy systems, industrial automation, communications, lighting, power installations, computers and software and hardware.
Access to Further Studies
With exam DGS, Graduate students can switch to related electricity undergraduate programs. Our graduates possibility of degree completion in Open Education Faculty.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
At least one midterm and one final exam are given for each course. Other than midterm exams, quizzes, projects and other activities that the instructor deems appropriate can be done. The contribution of these activities to the number and grade of achievement is indicated in the course plan by the instructor. Success grade is calculated by taking 40% of midterm grade and 60% of final grade. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. Success grade is evaluated by relative evaluation system and converted into letter grade. The student must take at least a CC letter grade to be considered a successful dersten. Students with a GPA score of at least 2.00 (DC) and (DD) are considered to be successful in grades.
Students are required to submit a maximum of three grades (DD), (DC), or (CC) to students who fall below GPA 2.00 for a maximum of three courses that fail to achieve graduation and have not received a final (FF) or (FD) Three courses are entitled to an additional exam. The score taken from the supplementary exam will replace the grade of success. The student shall be entitled to the additional exam at the end of each semester.
Graduation Requirements
To be successful in all of the courses available in the program (120 ECTS credits) and achieve a GPA of at least 2.00 over 4.00. In addition, sector applications need to complete their education.
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent
Address : Celal Bayar University, Soma Vocational School Soma / MANİSA Phone No : +90 236 612 00 63 Fax No: : +90 236 612 20 02 Web Address : http://somamyo.cbu.edu.tr/
Programme Director : Instructor Fatih SUVAYDAN ECTS Coordinator : Instructor Fatih SUVAYDAN E-mail : fatih.suvaydan@cbu.edu.tr
1.High Voltage Lab. 2.PLC Lab. 3.Computer Labs (3)