Upon successful completion of this programme, the enrolled students will be gaining the following knowledge, skills and competences ;
1- To be able to use theoretical and practical knowledge in basic mathematics and science and technical subjects in accordance with the projects of the constructs
2- To be able to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data in the field of basic engineering issues
3- To be able to access the information and to make research for this purpose and an ability to use information resources
4- To be ableto gain professional and ethical responsibility in the field of construction technology
5- To be ableto have confidence and professional experience to defend their ideas in front of society
6- To be able to identify, formulate, and solving the problems in construction technology as well as selecting and applying the suitable methods and techniques for this purpose
7- To be able to choose and use modern technics, tools and have ability to use information technologies ,and some professional packages programs that require special expertise
8- To be able to perform interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary team work, to take responsibility
9- To be able to aware of professional and technical responsibility and they fulfill the needs for lifelong learning philosophy
10- To be able to have information about work safety rules, quality assurance and standards in the field of construction applications.
11- To be able to comminicate effectively verbal and written and know at least one foreign language
12- To be able to possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values.