Course CodeCourse Name123456789101112
AIT 2102Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution000000050000
ALA 1101Usage of Basic Information Tecnology 333000002050
ALA 1102Basic Computer Science333000002050
ALA 1112Professional Ethics334000503000
ALA 1122Social Responsibility453003403020
ALA 2020Training on Industry Applications225355452442
ALA 2103Occupational Health and Safety533000300000
CBU 2401Entrepreneurship122113430111
PSB 1113Plant Material I 344442112232
PSB 1114Plant Material II134452034300
PSB 1115Landscape Drawing Technique 415425540444
PSB 1116Nursery Tecnique 443445231300
PSB 1117Technical Drawing 330302223334
PSB 1118Growing Tecnique of Ornamental Plants054040000000
PSB 1119General Botany054040000000
PSB 1123Soil Science 304343500000
PSB 1124Indoor Plants544454344501
PSB 1125Knowledge of Measurement555444553344
PSB 1126Project I553533344435
PSB 1127Cover Crops555555555545
PSB 1128Computer Assisted Design I555305554454
PSB 1129Plants Physiology044440000000
PSB 1162Landscape Construction103401051100
PSB 1211Landscape Ecology435434045545
PSB 1212Plant Sociology335223002400
PSB 1221E-Trade300000030000
PSB 1222General Economics and Marketing121112111232
PSB 1231Effective Presentation Techniques000000004050
PSB 1232Basic Design544405240545
PSB 1242Innovation Management044000000030
PSB 2111Project II553425544545
PSB 2115Landscape Maintenance 433525423300
PSB 2117Survey and Application Techniques 525445555354
PSB 2119Plant Material III544554454400
PSB 2121Fertilization of Ornamental Plants003000000000
PSB 2125Diseases and Pests of Ornamental Plants222522200202
PSB 2127Computer Assisted Design II555305554454
PSB 2213Landscape Equipment Components423513321300
PSB 2223Cost Estimates and the Quantity550545040445
PSB 2233Environmental Protection035000000000
PSB 2243Cut Flower Growing345530000300
TDL 2102Turkish Language000000000005
YDI 2102Foreign Language 000000000000